Instead it's a personal rule of mine to override the camera's Exposure Compensation.
Now when you take a picture the camera decides, based on some other settings I won't go into yet, how bright to make the picture. It adjusts (depending on what mode you're in) the ISO (sensitivity to light) and/or shutter speed and/or amount in focus.
More often than not, I find it's a bit brighter than I'd like. Colours are often washed out, and natural things don't look that real.
Normal Exposure
- 2/3rds Exposure
Now it's a little difficult to tell after the fact what the exposure compensation is, since it doesn't show up in most programs - even the ones that normally show the ISO, shutter speed and all that other fun stuff. It is recorded as 'Exposure Bias' in the EXIF information - check the >Properties of the picture in question (Details tab if you have to click farther).
Normal Exposure
- 1/3rd Exposure
- 2/3rds Exposure (/w Auto Contrast in Picasa)
-1 Exposure (/w Auto Contrast in Picasa)
While this is a personal preference, there is a technical benefit as well. When dealing with digital cameras, it's better to err on the side of too dark. Shorter exposure time means less chance for a blurring. If you're happy with the shutter speed, a negative exposure compensation will allow more of your picture to be in focus. When both of those are fine, it will allow for a lower ISO setting, which means less rainbow speckles in the picture and richer colours overall.
Often if something is dark and you'd like it to remain that way in the picture a lot of negative Exposure Compensation is needed.
-5/3 Exposure
Another benefit is making details of white things visible - and not clipped out beyond the upper range of the camera.
Normal Exposure (above) - 4/3rds Exposure (below)
As with most camera rules, there's times when they should be broken. If you're outside on a bright day, but your subject is under some small shadow it would be worth going to positive exposure compensation. Similarly if your subject is backlit and not showing up properly, this is a quick fix.
Most cameras do have Exposure Compensation. However, you will have to go into the letter modes of the settings (previously linked). Some cameras will show it as a fraction, in steps of 1/3 or 1/2 while others will show a decimal value. Check your manual.